My tribe is heading to Costa Rica! We are putting our money where our mouths are. Buying 60 acres and reforesting a large part of it. We are also going to build a cob house village and eco retreat. Teaching Ticos how to use there palm oils to run their vehicles will be a huge part of our adventure as well.
Many of my friends and family yearn for a chance to do something meaningful. I have been spending my money and energy to help inspire those people to change. We are going put ourselves in a position to not need the corporatocracy as much. Hurricane Katrina was another awakening for me that the government is not looking out for us. I could not find the money needed to build what I wanted in the States. Places like Costa allow us to join/build a positive community for very little money.
If you have a dream to build something start making it happen now. Our world needs us to take action.