I just got back from a few weeks at Burningman. It was such a great time. I really saw a community that takes care of itself. I saw people living with free minds and bodies. Getting back to the "real world" feels different then it did before I left for the desert. I am motivated like never before to build the world I want.
I have been getting out every day during the rush hours and holding up huge signs over the freeway. In just and hour 10's of thousands of people are seeing my message. Today I am going out with a 25 foot wide 4 foot tall sign that reads "BUSH = Terrorist". Yesterday we held up a "9-11 Was An Inside Job" sign.
Please try this. It feels great to get the word out to so many in such a short period of time. It works sort of like a poll in your area, the amount of honks people give in support will blow your mind.