The first --- and what seems to be the hardest step in my actions to help people --- is just to open peoples' hearts to the truth about most of the common everyday things people do to work against the poor. Several thoughts come to mind:
Feeding people through homeless programs, food drives and other avenues is great, but to me, it is like putting a band-aid over your oil light in your car.
You still need to change the oil!
When we can truly stop being such a part of the problem with our personal choices, we WILL be making a huge difference. Oh, I love to help those who need food get it. Dealing with the systems this society creates is necessary while you are trying to cure the sickness.
In all of the talk about what we can do to help. What have you done lately to help feed people that need it? I got my company to donate some of their services to the public for donation to the food bank. We raised thousands of pounds of food two weeks ago. And last month we raised $1,400.00 in one afternoon! You can make a big difference in changing your behavior and using your creativity to find ways to help others, while we work to change the systems that work against the good of all. Joshua Peace Seeker
I have many ideas on making the change to a better world to live in. It will take a small start to make it happen. We all Know history repeats. It's time to stop the replay of our past. It's time to evolve to the next level. It will take a long time, yet the time could not be better. Every thing that happens is for change. Use past event's, to give reason for change. We haven't come this far to become pig's at the trough!
How many invention's to help mankind have been used to profit only a few. Every thing from our past is made for profit if possible. It's time to make it so all can afford the basic needs.
The younger generations need new goal's to strive for. It will only take a few of us to set it!
I'm a man of visions, willing to see them become real. For I know! I need help to make it to the end of my time, may I go when the time comes!-go knowing I helped making it possible for all to make changes for the better.
Let's start! I'v thought about it long enough.
Posted by: Malpaul | May 21, 2006 at 09:42 PM
We just converted a motor home to run on vegetable oil. In just a few days work we helped take thousands of dollars a year out of the oil commpanies pocket.
We use every chance we get to spread the message of peaceful actions. Helping people to get off of petrol is a great way to do something productive.
Posted by: JoshuaPeaceSeeker | May 23, 2006 at 09:40 AM