This morning we at the World Vision Dialogue Center had a great talk with John Perkins (author of the best selling book "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man") John speaks about indigenous cultures and how differently they view the world. Thinking simple has really helped me keep my priorities in line. If we can start collectively thinking simple what might we accomplish? What if in a family we start only having one vehicle, that happens to run on alternative fuels, instead of two cars and a SUV? I am working with my friends and family with ideas of community property. We can own one good lawn mower between us or one leaf blower. If you can come together to help with each others yard work it will make life easier for all. This type of thing would save us all time and money.
Thinking simple is hard after years of conditioning to consume. I fight my own thoughts every time I see the newest widget. Do I over spend? Do I consume more resources? Do I pay more interest? Every day I get those urges less and less.
Joshua Peace Seeker