Taking action, no matter how big or small,
can seem futile. People around us will say
things about how small actions make no
difference. I even tell myself that hope is
not real!
But when I do that the powers that be have
already won. Not the terrorists of the world,
but the fear mongers who profit the most
from the chaos.
Our brothers and sisters of the world are
fighting now, but they have fought before. The
cycle seems endless. I disagree that it
is endless. I look at history and I see the amount of
energy and propaganda it takes the government to mobilize
people to kill on a massive scale. The
masses are too lazy to walk to the T.V. much
less lace up and fight in the desert. Only 1
out of 300 Americans has been in Iraq, and
Afghanistan. We are all not lead into battle
so easily. The media would have us believe
that outside forces are threatening our
security. What has a Lebanese child ever do
to you?
We come together tonight to help ease the
suffering of a few people in a war torn
country. I am proud of anybody who takes
time or energy to show compassion for
others. But the work only begins here
tonight. The changes we need to make as a
society are huge.
Our community needs to stand together in
the streets and demand the truth be told!
Our Community needs to stand together and
Demand human rights before dividends!
Our government has failed us. They have
let big business take over all aspects of our
national policy. From the drugs your
grandma takes to the wars we fight. Big
business has us by the throat, profiting from
every drip of our collective sweat and blood.
Take some control, through co-op farming
in your neighborhood or purchasing locally
made bio-fuels, take back the power!
Much like Spider-man “with much power
comes much responsibility” our
American lifestyle requires us to take action.
We have sat by while Bush and co have
stripped us of our rights. You or I may not
feel those restrictions yet but they have
“loaded the gun” of oppression. They are
ready to pull the trigger on anyone who tries
to get in the way of their lies.
Can you say coup de ta? If you are
waiting for us to hit bottom you just need
to remember what happened in the 2000
election, then the 2004 election. Our vote
are not counted anymore. Over 3.7 million
votes were thrown out in the last election
Bush “won” We have a dysfunctional
democracy. A rich oilman was installed
and we did nothing. Without elections what
options do we have left to get our views
expressed? How do we change things?
Bush and Cheney had war plans for Iraq and
Afghanistan from day one. They just needed
the nation to get behind them. 9-11, That
horrible day that almost sent me into the
Military. I am greatfull for the few friends I
had that were willing to speak the truth
during an emotional time.
I think the time has come expose the lies of
9-11. The people who attacked our
Firefighters, Policemen, janitors and stock
brokers are the same men running and
ruining our country now.
I can only hope that a fire gets lit under
more of our asses. And soon! If we as a
country let the blame for these wars fall in
the lap of a few thugs from a cave , we will
never fix the “problems”. The threat to
empire will always increase as empire
abuses its power.
Suffering is not an abstract thing for our
families and friends in Lebanon. WAR is
real to them now. Lucky us huh. Only
American made bomb get to feel the battle
not Americans.
Gandhi or Jesus, the message was the same.
1. Take the side of the weak.
2. Stand up in the face of oppression.
3. Don’t worry so much about yourself.
4. Please just Do something!
Our grandparents got to be the greatest
generation. The only people in the world
that can stop the madness are young selfless
Americans, We need to stand up and be the
next greatest generation!
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