A “simple” exercise in Dreaming
We hinted at this forum also providing a dream workshop. Allow me to use this exercise to introduce the workshop.
Each day, we have scores of tasks—more or less—to accomplish. Most times, we do fine. Other times, we run into “a task too far…” This one causes us anxiety, cold sweats and sleepless nights. The technique introduced in this exercise will take care of this type and any other type of task. You may want to practice with less troublesome tasks at first, but be brave: use it with your next or even current “difficult” task.
The best thing about a task is that while you may not know how or where to begin, or how to accomplish it, there is a clear endpoint or object, and you / the judges all agree on what it is. In other words, everyone knows when you accomplish the task.
Your dream exercise: “See” the task done.
Don’t be concerned, regarding the task itself, about how—how to begin, how to proceed, etc—in your dream. Your dream simply “sees” the task done.
About “see” and “seeing”… What constitutes “to see” or “seeing”? You will be surprised. You can see something without “laying your eyes on it.” Seeing in dreaming means recognition, which comes with clarity. For example, you can recognize someone by the smell of his or her favorite perfume (even when worn by an entirely different person). And, it comes with clarity. Notice that it did not require “focus” or “concentration” to effect the recognition and clarity. You can “see” someone just by recognizing the way they walk—or work; or the way they cough or laugh. (By the way, the brain needs just a paltry few features to recognize a face and the whole person. The brain can recognize and pick out a person from just your looking down at pairs of different feet, without ever seeing anything above the ankles.)
You know the feeling you get when you have successfully completed a task? For our purpose, that is equivalent to “seeing” the task done. In this case, to do your dream exercise, re-live / recall this feeling while associating it with the task.
Or, is it the celebration, small or big, for a task accomplished? Place yourself in that mood and mode, and associate it with the task. That, is “seeing” enough: that constitutes seeing the task done for the purposes of this dream exercise.
So you see, (pardon the pun), you can get creative and use whatever works for you to simulate (or stimulate) “seeing” the task done in your dream..
If you need to re-enact or keep re-enacting the “seeing” until the task is accomplished, that’s fine, too. If you need to combine different ways of “seeing” as explained above, that’s fine, too.
I said not to worry about “how…” because once you see the task done in your dream, whatever you need to do and whatever you need to get it done, will be provided for you. It may even be that someone else will end up getting it done for you (don’t you wish?), but the task gets done anyway.
Now, get to your exercise! And, I appeal to you to be generous and share your experiences so that we may all learn from you.
I dream, therefore, I am…
Getting Clarity:
Clarity is the “perfect rendition” of an object—whether the object is physical or abstract, static or dynamic. “Perfect rendition” for the Conscious Self is not the same for the Mind Self. Conscious Self demands too much focus, too much physical input from the senses and too much “neat logic” from the brain. The Mind Self does not require any of that. Clarity resides in the Mind Self.
For example, E=MC2 has clarity. But, as you can see, its clarity is understood by scientists in the appropriate field, but not by others. This brings up the point that Clarity is relative: it is in the eye of the beholder.
Since “the beholder” shares the same universal Mind, it follows that in fact, most times—certainly not all the time—Clarity-icons are the same for everyone; especially with non-technical objects.
Clarity is important to dreams and dreaming. If your dream has clarity, that dream will manifest easily and quickly. Put another way, if you dream with clarity, you get results quickly and accurately.
So, let us practice “getting clarity.” How much information does your mind need to render perfectly an object? Surprisingly, not that much. Recall that your brain— sometimes considered a proxy for the mind—can recognize a face given just a few clues (which don’t even have to be sharp or detailed).
Thus, a complicated situation, scene or scenery, static or dynamic, can be captured in perfect rendition by your mind without your consciously going through every detail—the latter being a laborious and futile effort, at that. It is the same way that you can look at someone, and without him or her saying anything, you understand perfectly what is going on.
It is up to you to search your own mind and find out how—the many and diverse ways—you get clarity (because you are always getting it). Review it. Watch that process as it goes on within your own self. “Stand outside yourself” and watch this most wonderful and powerful creative phenomenon. Then, use it to consciously form your dreams.
Here are more hints: Activities such as daydreaming, knitting, listening to music, gardening, even exercise-routines and reading a book all yield clarity.
Often, Clarity can be fleeting, but you don’t necessarily have to hold on to it for purposes of dreaming. When you can, doing a “refresh” does not hurt as you wait for results..
I want to personally appeal to you to do us all a big favor: share with us ways that you have obtained clarity. If you cannot post it here, then send an email directly to me or Debbe and let us know if we can post it for you, with or without your name, or not at all. Remember: we all want to learn together, to teach ourselves together. Do you know of a better way than that? Tell us, too.
Okay. Revisit the first exercise in this series and use the tool and facility of Clarity as discussed above. I dream to hear from you.
Dream on!
Posted by: Oguchi | Friday, July 01, 2005 at 10:39 PM